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The NASUWT has learned that Iranian teacher trade unionist Esmail Abdi has been sent back to the notorious notorious Evin prison.

He had been released on January 9, but this was only a temporary reprieve from his six-year sentence, which started in 2016. The authorities have incarcerated him despite his poor health which resulted from his harsh detention conditions. 

He has committed no crime. 

The charges stem solely from his legitimate union work, including organising peaceful demonstrations in protest against poor wages, the inadequate education budget, and the imprisonment of teacher trade unionists. He was also charged with associating with Education International, the global union for teachers.

His trial was grossly unfair: he was denied access to a lawyer of his choice during the entire investigation and his lawyer was not allowed to review his court file before the trial.

The NASUWT is seeking to quash Esmail Adbi’s conviction and call upon the Iranian authorities to allow trade unionist to carry out their legitimate activities defending workers’ rights without fear of harassment or imprisonment.

Your email can make a difference!

What you can do

  • Write to the Iranian Head of the Judiciary to call for his immediate release and appeal for the quashing of Esmail Abdi’s conviction:

Head of the Judiciary Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani
c/o Public Relations Office
Number 4, Deadend of 1 Azizi
Above Pasteur Intersection
Vali Asr Street, Tehran, Iran


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