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Gillian Keegan April 2024 BANNER.jpg

The refusal of Education Secretary Gillian Keegan to take part in 2024 International Summit on the Teaching Profession has meant the UK is being sidelined at one of the most important gathering of educational professionals from the top-performing countries in the world.

On Monday trade unions and Government ministers from across the world will gather in Singapore for the 14th International Summit of the Teaching Profession.

The summit is the opportunity to bring nations together to highlight good policy, explore issues affecting the education of children and young people and discuss and develop new policy and strategy to improve and secure world class education for all.

But by refusing to attend, Gillian Keegan has ensured the profession in the UK is not represented as a delegation cannot include trade unions without the Minister. This is the second year running Ms Keegan has not taken up the opportunity to take part in the Summit.

NASUWT General Secretary Dr Patrick Roach said:

“Yet again the Education Secretary is showing by her actions that she does not consider it a priority to highlight the excellent work of our teachers on the international stage.

“This is yet another example of her failure to take pride in and celebrate the achievements of pupils and teachers in schools across the country.

“Why would she not want to take the opportunity to highlight the remarkable work of teachers from across the UK?

“It is clear her priorities are not aligned with the profession and lie elsewhere.

“Teachers need a Government that recognises and will stand up for the profession in this country. It’s abundantly clear that Ministers are not prepared to champion the work of the teaching profession or support it when it matters.”


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