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Caters strike

Members of NASUWT-The Teachers’ Union at Leighton Park School in Reading are taking the first of six planned days of strike action tomorrow (Tuesday) over attempts by the employer to make teachers choose between their pension and their pay.

Teachers have been told they must make a choice between moving to an inferior pension scheme or remaining in the Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS) but accepting a 7% pay cut.

Furthermore, teachers have been threatened with being fired and reemployed on new contracts if they do not voluntarily accept these changes.
Dr Patrick Roach, NASUWT General Secretary, said:

“The employer has refused to agree to meet with us to discuss these plans and to seek a resolution to this dispute. Instead it is seeking to railroad through these detrimental changes to teachers’ terms and conditions through the threat of fire and rehire.

“Teachers should not be bullied and intimidated into accepting cuts that will either leave them worse off now or worse off in future.

“All our members want is to be valued, treated with respect and provided with fair and decent pay and pension arrangements which reflect the challenging and skilled work they do.”

“The employer needs to end this disruption by withdrawing these plans and agreeing to work constructively with us to address the current and longer term pay and pensions arrangements for our members.”


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