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Uniform tie shirt close up

Commenting on the publication of new guidance on school uniform and clothing by the Scottish Government, Dr Patrick Roach, General Secretary of NASUWT – The Teachers’ Union, said:

“The NASUWT has long highlighted the cost pressures which overly extensive and detailed uniform policies place on families and carers.

“We therefore welcome the publication of this guidance, but stronger action is also need to tackle the rising cost of education. 

“The focus on ensuring uniform rules help promote equality and the inclusion of all pupils is also welcome and a step we advocated for as part of the working group who informed the creation of this guidance.”

Mike Corbett, NASUWT Scotland National Official, said:

“It is disappointing that at present this guidance is not statutory so there is no obligation on schools to follow it.

“We note the Scottish Government’s intention to review its statutory status at a later date and would urge ministers to do so at the earliest opportunity so that there are legal powers to compel all schools to do the right thing by pupils, families and carers.”


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