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PE and games lesson

Pupils are having their learning opportunities, and potentially their career options, limited as a result of pressure on schools to focus on core academic subjects, representatives at the Annual Conference of NASUWT-The Teachers’ Union have argued today.

Teachers at the conference in Harrogate have condemned cuts to the curriculum which have reduced time in the school day for practical and creative subjects and resulted in the loss of teaching and support staff roles.

Dr Patrick Roach, NASUWT General Secretary, said:

“NASUWT believes that every pupil should be entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum that enhances their life chances and enables children to realise their full potential.

“However, the Government’s reforms to school accountability measures and their prioritisation of core academic subjects at the expense of vocational and creative learning have loaded the pressure onto schools.

“Evidence shows how a broad and balanced curriculum raises pupils’ attainment, including their attainment in core subjects. 

“A curriculum that marginalises creative, practical, artistic, civic and sporting skills and knowledge cannot be described in any meaningful sense as fit for purpose in the 21st century.

“In the run up to the General Election we call on all political parties to commit to restoring a genuine broad and balanced curriculum as an entitlement for every pupil, as well as protecting jobs of teachers and support staff.”   


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