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NASUWT-The Teachers’ Union agrees to accept the latest pay offer for teachers, but insists that more needs to done urgently to address teachers’ workload concerns.
Dr Patrick Roach, NASUWT General Secretary, said:
“The improved pay offer from the employers provides an above-inflation pay award for teachers after more than a decade of real-terms cuts to their salaries.
“However, whilst we welcome this offer, it falls short of the awards made to teachers in England and Wales. Our Scotland members are also concerned that the revised offer was delayed unnecessarily by the employers.
“Pay restoration remains an outstanding issue for our members, as does the need for urgent measures to tackle the workload crisis in schools which continues to affect teachers day in, day out.” 
Mike Corbett, NASUWT National Official Scotland, said: 
“While the majority of members have told us that they welcome the pay offer, they are also deeply concerned about levels of workload and worsening working conditions.
“Our focus will now return to pressing the Scottish Government to take real and tangible action on the issue of excessive workload and working hours, and for COSLA to ensure that its local authority members immediately and effectively implement the National Action Plan to tackle poor pupil behaviour, as these issues, along with pay, are the top concerns of our members.
“Creating safe and healthy working conditions is as important in recruiting and retaining teachers and improving standards as pay, and ministers and employers need to step up here, too.”


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