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Commenting on the publication of legislation to create a new body to replace the SQA and establish an independent school inspectorate, Dr Patrick Roach, General Secretary of NASUWT-The Teachers’ Union, said:

“It has long been abundantly clear that an overhaul of systems and structures is needed in the interests of schools, teachers and pupils.

“We need to see genuine change created as a result of these reforms. This cannot merely be a rebranding exercise where the same cultures and practices continue to exist under a different name and logo.

“To succeed, the over-emphasis on assessment and bureaucracy which is disempowering teachers, damaging their morale and undermining their ability to meet the needs of their pupils must be tackled.
Mike Corbett, NASUWT National Official Scotland, said:
“The new qualifications body, the independent inspectorate and the new national education agency must all offer genuine and meaningful engagement with the teaching profession and the NASUWT.

“Far too often in recent years, teachers have felt dictated to by these bodies, rather than engaged with, encouraged and supported.”


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