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Westminster Palace House Parliament Commons

Commenting on Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson’s announcement that the Government will not publish the STRB Report this week, Dr Patrick Roach, General Secretary of NASUWT – The Teachers’ Union, said:

“The delay to the publication of the STRB Report will no doubt raise questions, so it is vital that the new government works quickly to provide the clarity, transparency and certainty that teachers deserve.

“The last Government had a track record of contempt for the pay review body process and for the profession, including their deliberate strategy of delaying the remit and publication of STRB reports over many years and by presiding over more than a decade of real terms pay cuts.  

“The new Government has the opportunity to build a new relationship with the profession by quickly confirming its commitment to delivering a funded pay award this year and embarking on work with us on the big question of teachers’ pay restoration.”


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