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Westminster Palace House Parliament Commons

NASUWT – The Teachers’ Union congratulates new Prime Minister Keir Starmer and the Labour Party as they form the next UK government.
Dr Patrick Roach, NASUWT General Secretary, said:
“The commencement of a new government is a much-needed opportunity to address critical issues affecting all parts of the UK.
“Since the introduction of austerity in 2010, public spending across the UK has seen real terms cuts which have devastated public services in Northern Ireland and depressed wages in real terms.
“The situation in Northern Ireland has been exacerbated by increased levels in relative need and Northern Ireland cannot now balance its books without making drastic cuts to public services.

“The new Westminster Government must now make a break from the austerity policies of the last 14 years and deliver a New Deal for education, public services and communities in Northern Ireland, including schools.”
Justin McCamphill, NASUWT National Official for Northern Ireland, said:
“Northern Ireland currently has the lowest spending per head on education in the UK.
“The NASUWT is calling on the incoming government to deliver a new needs-based formula which will prevent public services in Northern Ireland falling off a cliff edge.
“We will also be seeking commitments from the new government that it will fulfil its obligations under the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement by implementing a Bill of Rights.”​


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