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Commenting on the Education Policy Institute’s new report into widening attainment gaps for disadvantaged pupils, Dr Patrick Roach, General Secretary of NASUWT – The Teachers’ Union, said:

“This latest report highlights a picture of the widening pattern of inequality that has been a product of the last 14 years of government failure.

“As our schools and other public services have been starved of resources, many families are also struggling with lower real-terms pay, rising rents and mortgages and a cost of living crisis. It is no coincidence that gaps in educational outcomes have widened.

“Teachers tell us that they are using their own money to purchase food and clothes for their pupils, and schools are also struggling to access the specialist help and support they need for their pupils.

“A world-class education system should create opportunity for all pupils, regardless of background or parents’ ability to pay.

“The new government has an opportunity to work with the profession to build a national strategy to tackle educational inequalities and improve coordination with schools, colleges and other agencies working with children, young people and families.”


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