Pay Scales for sixth-form teachers in England (not in receipt of the Government's additional pay funding)
The following salary scales apply in England, London and the Fringe, including the Leadership Spine and Management Ranges.
Salary Structure for Teaching Staff
Spine point | From 1 September 2023 | From 1 September 2024 | From 1 April 2025 |
1 | £30,500 | £31,568 | £32,178 |
2 | £31,673 | £32,782 | £33,415 |
3 | £33,465 | £34,636 | £35,306 |
4 | £35,522 | £36,765 | £37,476 |
5 | £37,526 | £38,839 | £39,590 |
6 | £40,025 | £41,426 | £42,226 |
7 | £41,650 | £43,108 | £43,941 |
8 | £44,417 | £45,972 | £46,860 |
9 | £47,133 | £48,783 | £49,725 |
Responsibility Allowances: Range: from £1,000 to £10,000
Leadership Spine
Spine point | From 1 September 2023 | From 1 September 2024 | From 1 April 2025 |
SFC-L1 | £55,094 | £57,022 | £58,124 |
SFC-L2 | £56,509 | £58,487 | £59,617 |
SFC-L3 | £58,114 | £60,148 | £61,310 |
SFC-L4 | £58,699 | £60,753 | £61,927 |
SFC-L5 | £60,285 | £62,395 | £63,601 |
SFC-L6 | £61,927 | £64,094 | £65,333 |
SFC-L7 | £63,411 | £65,630 | £66,899 |
SFC-L8 | £64,933 | £67,206 | £68,504 |
SFC-L9 | £66,492 | £68,819 | £70,149 |
SFC-L10 | £68,089 | £70,472 | £71,834 |
SFC-L11 | £69,721 | £72,161 | £73,556 |
SFC-L12 | £71,395 | £73,894 | £75,322 |
SFC-L13 | £73,111 | £75,670 | £77,132 |
SFC-L14 | £74,864 | £77,484 | £78,982 |
SFC-L15 | £76,662 | £79,345 | £80,878 |
SFC-L16 | £78,501 | £81,249 | £82,819 |
SFC-L17 | £80,383 | £83,196 | £84,804 |
SFC-L18 | £82,312 | £85,193 | £86,839 |
SFC-L19 | £84,287 | £87,237 | £88,923 |
SFC-L20 | £86,313 | £89,334 | £91,060 |
SFC-L21 | £88,382 | £91,475 | £93,243 |
SFC-L22 | £90,504 | £93,672 | £95,482 |
SFC-L23 | £92,677 | £95,921 | £97,774 |
SFC-L24 | £94,900 | £98,222 | £100,120 |
SFC-L25 | £97,177 | £100,578 | £102,522 |
SFC-L26 | £99,507 | £102,990 | £104,980 |
SFC-L27 | £101,898 | £105,464 | £107,502 |
London and Fringe Area Allowances
Area | From 1 September 2023 | From 1 September 2024 | From 1 April 2025 |
Inner London | £4,625 | £4,788 | £4,879 |
Outer London | £3,082 | £3,190 | £3,252 |
Fringe | £1,222 | £1,265 | £1,289 |
Management Ranges (Uprated)
Teachers who were in post and paid on the Management Ranges prior to 1 September 2016 or other date of assimilation in the new structure should be paid on at least the following assimilation ranges in order to maintain their current pay point and expectations.
The below rates have been uprated by the NJC teachers’ pay award for 2021/22 as follows:
From 1 May 2021 | From 1 September 2021 | |||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
A | £40,740 | £42,150 | £43,600 | £41,147 | £42,572 | £44,036 |
B | £42,661 | £44,067 | £45,521 | £43,088 | £44,508 | £45,976 |
C | £46,095 | £47,500 | £48,956 | £46,556 | £47,975 | £49,446 |
D | £48,780 | £50,032 | £51,454 | £49,268 | £50,532 | £51,969 |
Responsibility Allowances paid to teachers do not have to be based on the above ranges A1 to D3.
Pay Scales for 16-19 academy teachers in England (in receipt of the Government's additional pay funding)
The following salary scales apply in England, London and the Fringe, including the Leadership Spine and Management Ranges.
Salary Structure for Teaching Staff
Spine point | From 1 September 2022 | From 1 September 2023 | From 1 September 2024 |
1 | £28,125 | £30,500 | £32,178 |
2 | £29,740 | £31,673 | £33,415 |
3 | £31,423 | £33,465 | £35,306 |
4 | £33,354 | £35,522 | £37,476 |
5 | £36,236 | £37,526 | £39,590 |
6 | £37,582 | £40,025 | £42,226 |
7 | £39,108 | £41,650 | £43,941 |
8 | £41,706 | £44,417 | £46,860 |
9 | £44,256 | £47,133 | £49,725 |
Responsibility Allowances: Range: from £1,000 to £10,000
Leadership Spine
Spine point | From 1 September 2022 | From 1 September 2023 | From 1 September 2024 |
SFC-L1 | £51,731 | £55,094 | £58,124 |
SFC-L2 | £53,060 | £56,509 | £59,617 |
SFC-L3 | £54,567 | £58,114 | £61,310 |
SFC-L4 | £55,116 | £58,699 | £61,927 |
SFC-L5 | £56,606 | £60,285 | £63,601 |
SFC-L6 | £58,147 | £61,927 | £65,333 |
SFC-L7 | £59,541 | £63,411 | £66,899 |
SFC-L8 | £60,970 | £64,933 | £68,504 |
SFC-L9 | £62,434 | £66,492 | £70,149 |
SFC-L10 | £63,933 | £68,089 | £71,834 |
SFC-L11 | £65,466 | £69,721 | £73,556 |
SFC-L12 | £67,038 | £71,395 | £75,322 |
SFC-L13 | £68,649 | £73,111 | £77,132 |
SFC-L14 | £70,295 | £74,864 | £78,982 |
SFC-L15 | £71,983 | £76,662 | £80,878 |
SFC-L16 | £73,710 | £78,501 | £82,819 |
SFC-L17 | £75,477 | £80,383 | £84,804 |
SFC-L18 | £77,288 | £82,312 | £86,839 |
SFC-L19 | £79,143 | £84,287 | £88,923 |
SFC-L20 | £81,045 | £86,313 | £91,060 |
SFC-L21 | £82,988 | £88,382 | £93,243 |
SFC-L22 | £84,980 | £90,504 | £95,482 |
SFC-L23 | £87,021 | £92,677 | £97,774 |
SFC-L24 | £89,108 | £94,900 | £100,120 |
SFC-L25 | £91,246 | £97,177 | £102,522 |
SFC-L26 | £93,434 | £99,507 | £104,980 |
SFC-L27 | £95,679 | £101,898 | £107,520 |
London and Fringe Area Allowances
Area | From 1 September 2022 | From 1 September 2023 | From 1 September 2024 |
Inner London | £4,342 | £4,625 | £4,879 |
Outer London | £2,894 | £3,082 | £3,252 |
Fringe | £1,147 | £1,222 | £1,289 |
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