List of clerical and admin tasks that teachers in Wales should not be required to undertake
NASUWT maintains that teachers cannot be required to carry out administrative and clerical tasks routinely that distract them from their core teaching and learning responsibilities.
The School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions (Wales) Document 2023 (STPC(W)D) reintroduced the list of admin and clerical tasks that should not be undertaken by teachers in Annex 3.
The list was further updated in the 2024 STPC(W)D as follows:
Annex 3 - Administrative and clerical tasks
Collecting money from pupils and parents.
Investigating a pupil’s absence.
Bulk photocopying.
Typing or making word-processed versions of manuscript material and producing revisions of such versions.
Responsibility for producing, copying, uploading and distributing bulk communications to parents and pupils, including standard letters, school policies, posts on electronic platforms.
Producing class lists or physical copies of context sheets.
Keeping and filing paper or electronic records and data e.g. in school management systems or physical office files.
Organisation, decoration and assembly of the physical classroom space e.g. moving classrooms, moving classroom furniture, putting up and taking down classroom displays.
Producing and collating analyses of attendance figures.
Collating pupil reports e.g. reports of pupil examination results.
Administration relating to school visits, trips and residentials (including booking venues, collecting forms and recording lunch requirements) and of work experience (but not selecting placements and supporting pupils by advice or visits).
Administration of cover for absent teachers.
Ordering, setting up and maintaining ICT equipment, software, and virtual learning environments (VLEs), including adding pupils to VLEs and online subscription platforms.
Ordering supplies and equipment.
Cataloguing, preparing, issuing, stocktaking, and maintaining materials and equipment, or logging the absence of such.
Taking, copying, distributing or typing up notes (e.g. verbatim notes) or producing formal minutes.
Co-ordinating and submitting bids (for funding, school status and the like.
Reformatting data or re-entry of data into multiple systems.
Managing data and transferring data about pupils into school management systems (e.g. Question Level Analysis) or printing electronic records for paper filing.
Production of photographic evidence of practical lessons e.g. for assessment purposes or to ‘evidence’ learning.
Creation or duplication of files and paperwork perceived to be required in anticipation of inspection, such as copies of evidence portfolios, or regularly updated seating plans
Administration or data analysis relating to wraparound care and preparation of food/meals.
Administration of medical consent forms and administering of medication on a routine or day-to-day basis.
When considering the above, members should also consider sub-paragraph 51.8 of the STPC(W)D which is in place:
‘51.8. A teacher should not be required routinely to participate in any administrative, clerical and organisational tasks which do not call for the exercise of a teacher’s professional skills and judgment, including those associated with the arrangements for preparing pupils for external examinations such as invigilation.’
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