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Following our highly successful events for early career teachers in July and August 2024, we are taking forward the commitment to provide another opportunity for our newly qualified members to access support and guidance from the NASUWT and to share their experiences of induction. (This event is for teachers in their first year of induction)

Free for NASUWT members.

The event will provide an opportunity for you to:
- build resilience through expanding your knowledge of your rights as a new teacher and learning new skills, such as working assertively and time management;
- network and share experiences with other newly qualified teachers;
- have your questions about induction and other work-related issues answered by experts;
- find out about the latest developments on pay, conditions of service and education issues;

Overnight accommodation for those who require it will be provided on the evening prior to the event. The support day, accommodation and meals will be provided completely free of charge and your travelling expenses will be reimbursed at NASUWT standard rates.


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