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This is a course suitable for all members. The course differs from commercially available courses in that it addresses assertiveness skills in the context of schools, colleges and trade unions. Skills acquired on the course will be useful to those seeking career progression; or those who feel that feel that they are not in control of their working lives. The course aims to build upon strengths and develop skills to enable confident communication as a basis for personal and professional development and leadership. This course is based on cognitive behaviour techniques (CBT) and transactional analysis (TA), and will also help with behaviour management in the classroom. It is the beginning of a process which can have long-term benefits for the emotional health and professional skills of teachers. Part 1 focuses on acquiring knowledge and skills whilst Part 2 focuses on the application of those skills. The gap between the two course parts allows for reflective learning and enables the sharing of experiences between attendees to help deepen their knowledge and understanding.

Members must complete both parts in order to gain the full benefit of the training.


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